Disaster Prepardedness
To control, and support the humane care, treatment, and sheltering of companion pets during an emergency situation resulting from a natural or man-made disaster. The responsibility for safety and sheltering of a companion pet lies with its owner. It is not the responsibility of government, or any other organization, whether public or private to care for a companion pet during an emergency.
Concept of Operations
The Suffolk County SPCA is the lead agency for situation assessment and determination of resource needs. The Suffolk County SPCA shall be responsible for the staffing, logistical support, and operations, of a Pet Friendly Shelter, in accordance with the principles set forth in the National Incident Management System (NIMS), under the direction of SCFRES. As needed, the County will support the protection of companion pets affected by an emergency to include rescue, sheltering, control, feeding and preventative immunization of animals left homeless, lost or strayed as a result of an emergency. Requests for animal protection assistance and resources will be routed through Suffolk County Emergency Operation Center. Shelters have been established in an effort to assist evacuated residents with their companion pets. The Suffolk County SPCA is included in the emergency organizational structure of the County, and works closely with Suffolk County Fire, Rescue, & Emergency Services to provide shelter care, pursuant to this plan.